For the successful career professionals and entrepreneurs who've lost touch with their health and wellbeing.
You've spent years sacrificing to achieve financial success and all the benefits that come with it.
But now you're feeling a bit too out of shape, off center, and unfulfilled.... Because you have become too civilized.
I understand. I've been there before. So I created this 60-day challenge designed to help you reconnect with your primitive nature and achieve peak physical, cognitive, and mental fitness.
It's time to become "uncivilized."

Humans were not designed to spend our days sitting down hunched over a computer, scrolling through social media, and eating ultra-processed foods.
These elements of modern living may bring short-term gratification, but have deleterious effects on our long term well-being.
The markers of progress in our modern world has triggered dysevolution of the human species to a point where we are less fit, less capable, and less self-sufficient than ever before.
Obesity, hypertension, depression, brain-rot, loneliness, dementia, consumerism, and feelings of aimlessness have reached epidemic levels in the United States.
However, this doesn't stop YOU from doing something about it... and you can start by tapping into the lost wisdom of our ancient ancestors who lived much more connected to the natural order of the universe.
PRIMAL60 is designed to help you do just that in the next 60 days.

Days 1-14:
Establishing foundational diet, movement, and lifestyle habits. Get deeper clarity on your personal motivations and your vision.
Days 15-36:
Homing in on your diet and movement regimen with ruthless intensity to strengthen your body, sharpen your mind, and drive undeniable results
Days 37-60:
Implementing lifestyle design, biohacking, and mindfulness to balance hormones, build resiliency, and supercharge your mental, physical, and spiritual fitness
Follow the 60-day step-by-step guide designed to help you break the monotony, and put you on a pathway to achieving your fullest potential.

#1. DAILY MOVEMET - At least 30 minutes of outdoor movement every day to boost the metabolism, creativity, and overall wellbeing
#2. ANCESTRAL EATING - Eat like our hunter-gather forebearers to melt away body fat, build muscle, boost energy, improve immunity, enhance libido, and elevate cognitive functioning
#3. SELF-SUFFICIENCY - Learn fundamentals of bodyweight strength training to become more adaptable and to eliminate reliance on gyms or fancy equipment
#4. FOCUSED ENERGY - Get hyper-focused in an increasingly distracted world to break free of mental shackles and manifest your true life purpose
#5. EMBRACE DISCOMFORT - Learn to become comfortable with the uncomfortable through routine exercises of voluntary discomfort ranging from cold showers to solitude
#6. INTENTIONAL LIVING - Minimal alcohol, processed sugar, social media and television. Maximal physical, mental, and spiritual growth
#7. READING AND LEARNING - Complete a series of recommended readings to build knowledge and deepen understanding of your mind and body

I followed all the societal rules. But doing so left me out of shape, depressed, unconfident, and feeling lost in life.
With a LOT of experimentation, introspection, and self-development I've found a process that not only got me into the best physical condition of my life, but also bulletproofed my mental health, my cognitive functioning, and my self-confidence.
So now I'm sharing what I've learned with you to help you fast track your way to your fullest potential, physically, mentally, spirityally, etc.
What exactly is the "Primal60" Challenge?
It is a step by step program in which you are guided through weekly regimen of bodyweight calisthenics, ancestral eating, mental toughness challenges, and habit formation exercises
How much is it?
Anyone who signs up for the waitlist will have early program access for just $49. The price will increase to $99 after the early access window closes.
Is there an app?
The program is delivered through SKOOL which can be used via desktop or phone app
Why the focus on bodyweight strength training?
Not only does it improve the mind-body connection along with other under appreciated skills such as proprioception, but it also promotes self-sufficiency since it requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, any time, and any place
Does the program come with coaching?
This is a self-directed program but live coaching/consultations are available as an add-on.
Kimberly, Mental Health Professional - Texas
"I overachieved in my goals. This program also provided me with the tools to sustain healthy habits for life! It’s a life changing experience and definitely worth it. If you’re thinking about it l, just do it."
IG: @kimpossible2786

Dr. Fadahunsi, Dentist - Texas
"Since working with Chris I’ve improved my self discipline. I more frequently follow through with agreements I’ve made with myself. Everyone should be coached by someone in order to improve and Chris is great at helping you find the savage within."
IG: @phloss_daily

Rome, CA
"I'd describe Chris' method using three words: practical, simplified, decluttered"
IG: @_allroadsleadtorome
Matt, IL
"The bootcamp is helping me to implement positive change that I really needed!"
IG: @matthewwiley24