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Long-format explorations that will inspire you to live more intentionally
The Cholesterol Controversy: Why It’s Time to Unlearn Everything we Once Knew about Cholesterol
The Futility of Happiness: Why you should stop chasing happiness, and start embracing struggle
The Rule of 100 Hours: How to quickly become competent in any skill
The "Greek God" Physique: My no-BS approach to developing a lean and muscular aesthetic
Driven to Obesity: The Collateral Damage of Car-Dependent Cities
Ditching Dogma: Challenging the Status Quo for a More Fulfilled Life
Tyranny of the Screen: When Digital Devices Rob Us of a Fulfilling Life
Skinny to Beast Mode: Fitness Transformation After Thirty
Victimhood to Victory: The mindset shift that changed my life
Born to be Fat: The truth about why we can't lose weight